Moving and Living in the Dominican Republic


Questions questions questions You know how it is when you move to a new place, you have so many questions you don’t know where to start and you certainly don’t know who to ask.

Often times you don’t even know what your questions are… you just know that you

Questions questions questions

You know how it is when you move to a new place, you have so many questions you don’t know where to start and you certainly don’t know who to ask. Often times you don’t even know what your questions are… you just know that you are confused and maybe a bit overwhelmed.

Now Expat FAQs – moving to and living in the Dominican Republic can come to the rescue!

  • Where shall we live?
  • Where are the schools?
  • Where should we shop?
  • Where are all the other expats?
  • How can we make friends?
  • And what shall we do in an emergency?

These are just some of the questions that the authors, DR veterans Ginnie Bedggood and Ilana Benady, asked themselves and here, they share their hard won knowledge with you. When you embark on a move to any foreign country you have heaps of questions to ask. When that country is way out in the middle of the Caribbean and the local language is Spanish, those questions can really keep you awake at night. Questions about schools, shops, doctors, housing and, of course, which place is really the place to be.

Now you can relax. The authors have done the research for you and found you all the names, addresses and phone numbers you need so you can have access to a comprehensive, accessible and practical guide. Divided simply into sections entitled Who, What, When, Where and How this book is without doubt the one-stop resource you need.

Why didn’t anyone think to write a book like this before?

The 338 page paperback book can be purchased on Amazon

For press inquires, contact Ilana Benady at [email protected]

About the Author

Ken Harrington

When I'm not traveling or hanging out of the beach, I'm a Consultant for Tour Operators in the Dominican Republic. I also, loath reality TV, enjoy cooking, and I'm an adrenaline seeking adventure junkie. I try not to take life too seriously if I can avoid it.