Don't be Afraid of Hurricane Season


Hurricane season runs officially from June 1st to November 30st. For the Dominican tourism industry, low-season falls in the last leg of possible hurricane threats during the months of September, October and November.

The Dominican Republic’s low season has much to do with the start of the academic school year in countries like the U.S. and Canada, but you’d be surprised how many would-be travelers stay home for fear of hurricanes. This fear is more hype than anything and, more importantly, that fear could cost you money! Airlines, hotels and tour operators lower their rates substantially from September to November. At resorts in Punta Cana for example, these price reductions range anywhere from 35-50%. Also, you’ll most likely be enjoying your vacation in a more tranquil atmosphere. Just imagine fewer people on the beach, shorter lines and a better more personalized service.

You may ask: What good will saving money be if my family and I get caught in a category 5 monster storm? Good point; but the chances of that happening are highly unlikely.

Big hurricanes have been widely spaced over the last 100 years and have hit the less populated southwestern and western coasts of the Dominican Republic. USA Today highlights the Dominican Republic as having a lower possibility of being affected by a hurricane than neighboring Caribbean islands: Antigua, Jamaica, Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. According to the list below, over the last 100+ years, the Dominican Republic has only been hit by 13 hurricanes, and of those 13, only two have effected the Punta Cana Bavaro area.

Hurricane Probabilities – USA Today

Name Category Date Location
Jeanne Cat 1 Sept 04, 2004 East coast, Samana and Puerto Plata
Georges Cat 3 Sept 22, 1998 Santo Domingo and La Romana
Hortense Cat 3 Sept 10, 1996 East coast, Punta Cana to Samana
Gilbert Cat 3 Sept 11, 1988 Barahona on the southwestern coast
Emily Cat 4 Sept 22, 1987 Bani on the southwestern coast
David Cat 5 Aug 31, 1979 Santo Domingo
Eloise Cat 1 Sept 13, 1975 Landfall on the northeast coast
Beulah Cat 4 Sept 11, 1967 Barahona on the southwest coast
Inez Cat 4 Sept 29, 1966 Barahona on the southwest coast
Edith Cat 2 Sept 27, 1963 La Romana on the southwest coast
Katie Cat 1 Oct 16, 1955 Barahona on the southwest coast
San Zenon Cat 4 Sept 3, 1930 Santo Domingo
Lilis Cat 3 Sept 21, 1894 Santo Domingo and the southwest coast

In the case you are caught in a hurricane, resorts in Punta Cana Bavaro are more than equipped and ready for such an event. Besides the inconvenience of rain, crumby weather and possible flight delays or cancellations, there isn’t much more danger to speak of. If your flight is delayed, the resort will most likely pick up the cost for the extra vacation days. And if you think about it: How bad is it being stuck at an all-you-can-eat and drink resort for a couple days? I can think of worse places – like home for example.

To save some money, don’t be afraid to visit Punta Cana Bavaro during the hurricane months. In over 100 years, two hurricanes have hit our eastern shore. If you experience the next one while vacationing here, I recommend you play the lotto.

About the Author

Ken Harrington

When I'm not traveling or hanging out of the beach, I'm a Consultant for Tour Operators in the Dominican Republic. I also, loath reality TV, enjoy cooking, and I'm an adrenaline seeking adventure junkie. I try not to take life too seriously if I can avoid it.